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Have you ever applied for a role and felt the title was a bit vague? Maybe you thought the daily tasks were only half suited to your skill set and didn’t bother applying? Wouldn’t it be nice to find a role that truly suits YOU, not just your CV?

When it comes to hiring Programmers in the bio-pharma industry, many organisations opt for simplistic job titles and monotonous job descriptions that make it feel like every Programmer does exactly the same tasks day in and day out. However, we all know this is not the case.

At Veramed, we take a unique approach to recruitment. As a people-focused organisation, we want to be upfront and honest about who we are and the roles we’re recruiting for. That’s why we’ve introduced Veramed Programmer Types – a simple, transparent way to showcase the Programmer YOU could be at Veramed.

Whether it’s working as a Delivery Programmer, Technical Programmer, Client Support, Lead, Portfolio Lead, or an amalgamation of many, we want to know: what type a Programmer are you?

Our new Programmer Careers page breaks down the responsibilities, daily tasks, opportunities, and personality types linked to each Programmer Type – giving you an understanding of how you’d like to work as a Programmer at Veramed.

It’s not just about you being the right fit for Veramed; it’s also about Veramed being the right fit for you.

But wait, why are there still ‘Senior Programmer’ and ‘Principal Programmer’ job titles on the new careers page?

It is important to know that each application still involves applying for a job title such as ‘Senior Programmer’ or ‘Programmer I’ – as your level of experience is an important factor. However, the difference is that you can now apply for a Senior Programmer role, with an understanding that you’d like to operate as, for example, a mix of the Delivery/Client Support Programmer types. This can then be discussed with our Recruitment team to ensure we find the right role for you. And remember, there is no wrong answer when choosing what type or mix of types you’re suited to.

This does not mean you’re pigeonholed when choosing your Programmer type/s – far from it. While those just starting their career as a Programmer I might not be able to slot straight into a Lead Programmer role, they can still get the wheels in motion. Many Veramed Programmers have utilised our robust internal training programmes and supportive leadership to take on a new role and elevate their career.

So, what are you waiting for? Find your Programmer Type on our Programmer Careers page, apply for a role and discover what life at Veramed today! Are you a Statistician feeling left out? Check out our Statistician Types!

Apply on our new Programming Careers page below.

Programming Careers


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